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Find your perfect product in seconds—matched to your exact preferences.

dSideAI's unique algorithms provide the long-sought benefit of reducing millions of search results to one result the first time.

Simple & Engaging

Private &

Fast &

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Why dSideAI?

dSide is founded on the principle that people's own preferences in products should outweigh search choices provided by others.



Introducing the most advanced AI shopping search:
• 20 patents*
• Founded by NASA consultants
• MIT Alliances Member

* 10 granted, 10 pending.


A simple way to get what you want.

  • Simply type in what you are looking to purchase.

  • Rank the importance of the features.

  • Look through refined results tailored to what you're looking for.

  • Select and make purchase.

  • Rejoice in not having to sift through thousands of results — none of which you actually wanted.


It's not business, it's personal.

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A personal shopping experience that's personal.

Select and weight key features important to your search.

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Your information belongs only to you.

Your preferences are private, secure.
No cookies or user history is required to achieve a stellar outcome.

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Say goodbye to the endless scroll.

Reach the product most relevant to you, faster and easier.

Interested in learning more about dSide? Drop us a note to get the conversation started.

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Get ready to maximize your shopping experience with dSideAI.

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The Unique AI Solution to Personalized Shopping


General Inquiries:
+1 (516) 443-8800


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